Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Digital Divide"

What is the digital divide?
  • The gap between people or communities that have technology and those who don't have technology.
How to close this gap?
  • Many organizations and pair-up companies such as the Gates, or the American Library Association, are trying to spread technology to other areas of the world that doesn't have technology.  They believe that everyone should have technology available to them.  Many people believe that if someone has technology they can do anything.
How does the digital divide show up in the classroom?
  • Many public school districts have students that don't own their own computer at home so it is very difficult to have assignments online.  Many don't have any technology available to them outside of class and some schools don't have a wide spread of resources for use.  It would make assignments online very difficult when there are maybe three computers and 20 students. 
How to address this in the classroom?
  • If there are reacources at the school made available to the students have them work on this assignment in class and make time for them to finish or come back to finish during school time.  If you don't have resources such as computers, but the students have cell phones you could possibly have them work on the assignment through that type of technology.  They could also pair up to share computers to lessen the demand of technology.   

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